Coming out

1 min readOct 13, 2018


十月十一日,是美國的全國出櫃日。出櫃,coming out,coming out of the closet,從櫃子裡走出來。



The eleventh of October is National Coming Out Day in the US. Coming out. Coming out of the closet. Walking out of the shadow.

In Taiwan, perhaps it is more than a closet of which we aught to walk out. We shall, one by one, walk out of the control of our parents and elders, walk out of Chinese culture, American culture, and Japanese culture, walk out of the authoritarian rule of the Chinese Nationalists, and the colonial rule of the Japanese Imperialists.

It is painful to walk out. The struggles. The things that will break. Nevertheless, we will be okay. You will be okay. Because there is an us. Through us, we can be independent. Through us, we can find our own cultures and the values, and take our positions in this world. Only then, we can stand our grounds, face our history and our youth as equal. Only then, we can reclaim our past as not theirs, but ours, and to allow ourselves to belong to ourselves, and the people we love.




Written by 游知澔

Hacking things from Taiwan. Writing in English and Taiwanese Mandarin.

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